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STEM-Based Programs
STEM-Based Programs
Critical Thinkers innovating for their community
Our STEM-based programs bring critical thinking skills closer to learners through fun, real-life inspired activities and challenges that seamlessly develop every aspect of their critical thinking. We build a strong foundation in design thinking and let students explore sciences, robotics, and AI to create innovative solutions. These programs have not only proven to enhance critical thinking and technical skills but also position your institution at the forefront of competency-based education reform. Enhance your students’ learning experience and boost your institution’s offerings by integrating our STEM-based programs today.
T h e  Y o u n g  i n n o v a t o r s  L a b
A Transformative Journey to the Extraordinary  
How it all started
For over a decade, we've been preparing a generation of thinkers and innovators to solve future challenges. Experiencing first-hand the value of Critical Thinking as a foundational competency in this skill-based economy, we designed and delivered the first comprehensive program for Critical Thinking Skills development in the Middle East and North Africa region. Hundreds of our alumni innovators are thriving in every walk of life, becoming themselves advocates for lifelong learning and innovation.  
Think for Yourself!
As Socrates said, 'we cannot teach, but can only get a learner to think!'. Deeply rooted in every session we give is the Socratic questioning approach, provoking questions and promoting deeper thinking over quick answers. Our skilled trainers facilitate sessions while the learners themselves discuss, experiment, reflect and design on their own. It’s all about enabling learners to gain confidence and adopt the culture of thinking critically in a supportive environment.
Curriculum and Program Structure
After evaluating the students’ Critical Thinking skills using our flagship assessment tool, they enroll in a carefully designed training on an array of selected topics. The program is concluded with a capstone project development phase where each group creates a unique solution to a real-life problem.  We were ecstatic when Zainab, Karam, and Bana (10 years old) sketched, designed, and implemented an AI-based solution for improved waste segregation.  We live to see this innovation and the “aha” moments on our innovators’ faces when they come up with such solutions!  
Before and After and Further After
An integral part of the program's continuous learning practice is the use of our internationally recognized critical thinking tests that display the skill profile of every learner in detail. Pre- and post-tests compare the learner's Thinking Skills levels before and after the program, highlighting areas of strengths and development for customization for each age group. 

Internationally Recognized Test

Internationally Recognized Test
Capacity development: a comprehensive approach involving everyone
Equipping a generation with the 21st century's skills is a collaborative effort between front line teachers and trainers, institution directors, students, and their parents. Partnering with Thinking Oasis offers your educational institution a comprehensive step towards achieving excellence. Our team of experts, with decades of experience, conducts thorough assessments of the needs of your students and teachers. Based on these insights, we design and plan a customized program that ensures learners embark on the best journey to develop their Critical Thinking skills.
Our STEM-Based Program Includes
Needs Assessment
Utilizing internationally recognized tools to evaluate the needs of both students and teachers. 
Institution-Level Consultation
Guidance on best practices to cultivate an environment that supports Critical Thinking and innovation.
Program Customization
Full curriculum planning and design, tailored to your institution's unique requirements.
Internationally Recognized
Monitoring and Evaluation
Continuous support with tools to track and assess the program's impact throughout its implementation.
Training of
Teacher Training
Professional development to equip educators with the skills needed to foster Critical Thinking.
Youth Trainers
Training hours
Project Locations
S T E M  F o r  A l l
Sustainable, Accessible Quality Education Solutions
Extracurricular for 1000 underserved Children
In partnership with the GIZ and QUDRA 2 (EU Program in Jordan), Thinking Oasis designed and implemented extracurricular activities for Jordanian and Syrian refugee children in underserved communities. A STEM-Based introduction to Critical Thinking offered an exciting, playful learning environment in12 Governorates in Jordan. Guiding curious learners along the path of innovation is always a pleasure for the Thinking Oasis team, whether via curriculum design, teacher training, or project management services.
Impact: Sustainable Development of all community groups.
To equip the community with skills and tools for sustainable development, the program was designed to train youth mentors and build learning communities that’d provide long term support to children. Independent learning by experimenting, testing and discussion was encouraged and trained on, equipping learners with the Thinking skills to conquer any challenge. To learn more about our cooperations with local and international NGOs, contact our programs development team via the form below.
s u m o  R o b o t
Play-based Zero to Hero in Robotics! 
A unique concept using Sumo robots to provide a fun experience for learners. The mission is to design and build a competition-ready Sumo robot that can push its opponent outside of a game ring. With kits and a curriculum developed by Thinking Oasis; Students design, build, and optimize robots in a playful manner developing technical and Critical Thinking skills. Higher resilience, social and communication skills naturally mature as challenges are tackled in a team.
Playful Learning for Teams of All Ages
Explorers aged 9 and above can benefit from the program to learn about electronics, coding, robotics, and AI integration while working within a team that’s building a robot. Wins at national level competitions come at ease with the power of Critical Thinking and teamwork. A team of learners scored a win at the Hussein Technical University’s national sumo robotics challenge.

Young Engineers Award

To hear about their story, visit the news article about the Young Engineers Award.
Young Engineers Award
Searching for a robotics and AI program, Critical Thinking skills training, or school-level competitions? Craft the ultimate solution for your organization today by booking a consultation with our team.
12 years old, YIL Graduate
I’ve grown infinitely curious for new knowledge and skills, and transformed from shyness to interest in different opinions and new people. I enjoy any exposures to new ideas now and use the thinking skill I gained to learn new things everyday
Nisreen Al-Dajani
Parent of a 2023 participant
Zainab developed certainty that no matter how long a projects takes, she can achieve what she wants as long as persistence is paired the right thinking method. I’m immensely grateful for that chance that rooted those skills and beliefs at such a young age.
Professor Ismael Al-Hinti
President of Al Hussein Technical University
The YIL is a program that hones both technical and personal skills, inspiring creativity and innovation. It empowers learners to shape a better future for themselves and their nation. I hope it spreads nationwide, investing in our greatest asset—youth!
12 years old, YIL graduate
I found myself a different person after the program! I think differently and dig deeper, in search of solutions to problems that I face. The journey was full of excitement, experiments, new thoughts and new friendships
13 years old, YIL Graduate
The freedom to tackle any issue, innovate new solutions, fail and learn, was the most valuable aspects of the lab. We were not limited by anything, and that made every visit exciting, even 10 months into the program
13 years old, YIL Graduate
The lab was One of the best experiences in my life! The people, the workshops, and the experience in overall have made me a more social person with many new skills gained