
Nurturing Critical Thinking for the 21st Century

At Thinking Oasis, we nurture critical thinking through comprehensive educational services, enhancing key competencies for students, educators, and institutions to thrive in today’s dynamic world.

Thinking skills Tests

Evaluating Critical Thinking Skills For All

Our educational programs at Thinking Oasis empower students with critical thinking skills, preparing them to excel in an ever-evolving world.

Internationally Recognized Test

100+ unique assessment tools for different age groups, education levels, fields of work, and cultural background.
Young Engineers Award

Training & Development

Developing the Critical Thinking skills and training capabilities of educators is a key step toward an innovative future generation.


We help you spread the culture of Critical Thinking at institution level.


Gain insights into the skill profiles of individuals and performance patterns across teams, with detailed reports and analytics
E d u c a t i o n a l  P r o g r a m s

Empowering Minds for the Future

Our educational programs at Thinking Oasis empower students with critical thinking skills, preparing them to excel in an ever-evolving world.

STEM Education Program

Our STEM-Based Critical Thinking development skills development programs train learners on innovate for the benefit of their communities.

STEM Education Program

Digital Citizenship Program

Prepare learners with a toolkit for cyber ethics, online privacy, and optimal AI use, with the help of Critical Thinking skills.

Digital Citizenship Program

Socrati Project

Socrati is a program using the Socratic method to foster critical thinking and ethical reasoning through discussions and debates.

T r a i n i n g  &  C o n s u l t a t i o n s

Excellence, Training, & Development for Every Role

With experts in Critical Thinking training, Monitoring and Evaluation, Skills assessment, and two decades of experience in education reform; our team can guide your education or professional organization to elevate the skills of its members towards excellence and innovation.

Training of Educators

We train the educators to excel in every classroom and prepare the future's innovators, in alignment with the 21st Century skills.

Training of Educators


Transform your institution with our decades of experience in skill training and development.